
I’m a security professional with over two decades of experience working across all domains of security. I specialize in understanding how adversaries think, and disrupting the inherent asymmetry of security.

The blog was created in 2009 as a way for me to store brain dumps and general knowledge.

The opinions expressed in this blog are mine, and are not official statements of my current or past employer, current or past team, current or past customers, or anyone else but mine.

Curated Posts

This site has a collection of the most read posts on Modern Adversary.

The Site

The site is hosted on Github and served by Netlify. It's a simple HTML and CSS site without any executing code. It uses a custom font from Google Fonts that I have downloaded and serve locally, so there is no tracking from that side.

Speaking of tracking, this site has no tracking, no cookies, and nothing that can identify you or track you. It doesn't record any visits, and it doesn't store any information about you.


All original content is copyrighted by Modern Adversary. This includes text, photographs, graphics, logos, audio, and/or video and everything in between.

The logo, in any form, is trademarked and copyrighted by Modern Adversary. You may NOT use it or any content originally created in Modern Adversary without prior written consent by me.

You may link to the home page or any article on Modern Adversary as long as you provide due reference. Do not link to any content in a misleading or out of context manner, You may not repost entire articles or posts, I.E. the complete text of the post. You may not frame the content of Modern Adversary. You may not use metatags or any other “hidden text” that incorporates Modern Adversary’s contents without my express written consent.

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